“Is there not a cause?”
— 1 Samuel 17:29
The mention of our beloved region, New England, evokes thoughts of quaint villages, beautiful mountains, pristine lakes, stone walls, gorgeous rocky coastlines, and history. The United States’ history as a nation has its roots deeply intertwined amongst the granite ledges of this region and many of its underlying ideals and values are reflective of the people who sacrificed their lives to settle here. Though their motivations for leaving their homelands and establishing the foundations of a new society were as varied as the individuals involved, an unbiased overview of the documented accounts of our forebears reveals a commonality – the desire to obey God, worship freely, and to establish family. These desires were foundational in the building of a mighty nation and resulted in the blessings enjoyed by New England’s inhabitants to this day. Sadly, many of New England’s residents are unaware of this legacy and are ignorant of the spiritual benefits and responsibilities passed to this generation by the region’s founding fathers. Ignorance does not negate the benefits–and certainly not the responsibility–of our heritage. In establishing The Rock of Greater Burlington, Vermont, in 1997, I was cognizant of the leading of the Spirit of God and the privilege that it is to walk in the footsteps of New England’s pioneers. With the backing of my spiritual father, F. Nolan Ball, my wife, Lisa, and our then sixteen month old son, I moved to New England, established The Rock of Greater Burlington, and began to proclaim the Kingdom of God as a now and demonstrable reality.
We will be faithful to our calling in this region and to the template of our heritage by:
Accepting responsibility for evangelizing our community (the Greater Burlington area)
Raising up a standard of excellence in our people and families by which our God can build and judge
Establishing others called to the ministry throughout New England
Assisting like-minded ministries in the fulfillment of their purpose and calling
I invite your prayers, fellowship, and support.
By Holy Spirit,
Ariel C. “Butch” Ainsworth
Sr. Minister, The Rock of Greater Burlington (1997-2024)