Past Posts of Fruit That Remains
#1 - Downleaf
As we still mourn and process my father’s unexpected passing, it is natural and right for us to remember his teachings and the many words he ministered throughout the years. One word seems particularly relevant at the moment. As New England experiences a dramatic cycle of seasons, one of the least-loved parts of the year is what we colloquially describe as “downleaf” - that time between the splendor of autumn foliage and the winter wonderland that we traditionally associate with Christmas. Although this sub-season may seem drab and ugly at first glance, upon closer inspection the absence of both foliage and ground cover allows us to see the actual landscape in ways which were not previously possible. In the words of our Carole Santerre, who recalled and wrote to us of this revelation just after my father passed,
"...I was outside looking at the beauty around me and I heard Apostle quoting how he loved this time of year. He called it 'Down Leaf Time' and said how you can see the lay of the land so much more. 'Didn't know there was a brook there, didn't see that stone wall there before.' I will always treasure this time of year more because of him. What I'm trying to explain is that I believe that Holy Spirit was using this beautiful time as an analogy of what is happening to this house. Apostle was a man after Yahweh's heart. Though Apostle will not be here physically, WE WILL see his vision manifest through this ecclesia with excellence. It is our time and WE WILL see the manifestation and demonstration of his mature sons and daughters, LIKE WE NEVER SAW BEFORE. His word will not return void. I for one will stand in the gap to combine heaven and earth and be a part of establishing his vision of 4 other houses and much more. I can truly say, what he wanted people to know about him, 'HE WAS A MAN THAT KNEW YAHWEH,' and he always said that if he wrote a book about Yahweh, it would be a very short book that would read: HEAR AND OBEY.' It is an honor and a privilege to have had Apostle as my Spiritual Father and I am so grateful to Apostle Ball for rearing up a faithful son. Knowing that the two of them are now part of the cloud of witnesses is comforting and gives me peace..."
Let us not pass through this downleaf season in our lives without taking the time to see the true character of the spiritual land around us and in us.
God Bless,
Cameron J. Ainsworth